Keep your ruddy mouth shut – Who was the speaker | When did the speaker say this and why

“Keep your ruddy mouth shut!” – Who was the speaker ? When did the speaker say this and why? Class 11 | English (Karma) 6 Marks Ans: The speaker was Jim, one of two the impolite British soldiers. Jim and Bill were the two British soldiers who boarded the first-class compartment though they were allowed to … Read more

Preposterous preposterous he shouted – Who shouted and why | What was the result

“Preposterous, preposterous,” he shouted,Who shouted and why ? What was the result? Class 11 | English (Karma) 6 Marks Ans: Sir Mohan Lal shouted at the two British soldiers. Jim and Bill, the two ill-mannered British soldiers boarded the first-class compartment though they were not entitled to travel in it. Although Sir Mohan Lal had a reservation … Read more

It almost sounded like English but .. inebriated ears – Do you think it was Sir Mohan Lal well-bred manners

“It almost sounded like English, but they knew better than to trust their inebriated ears.”-Do you think it was Sir Mohan Lal’s ‘well-bred manners’ that prevented him from protesting the English soldiers in his mother tongue? Class 11 | English (Karma) 6 Marks Ans: Sir Mohan Lal’s obsession for English culture and language is highlighted right … Read more

They opened the door and turned to the half-smiling half-protesting Sir Mohan – Who are referred to as they

“They opened the door and turned to the half-smiling, half-protesting Sir Mohan.”-Who are referred to as ‘they’? Why has Sir Mohan been mentioned as ‘half-smiling’ and ‘half protesting? Class 11 | English (Karma) 6 Marks Ans: Here, ‘they’ refers to the two British soldiers, Bill and Jim. Sir Mohan Lal was as refined and gentlemanly in … Read more

He was dismayed – Who was he | When was he dismayed and why | What did he do then

“He was dismayed.”-Who was ‘he’? When was he dismayed and why? What did he do then? Class 11 | English (Karma) 6 Marks Ans: Sir Mohan Lal was referred to as ‘he’. Sir Mohan Lal was dismayed when he entered an empty first-class compartment because he had expected some fellow passengers, who would be Englishmen, and … Read more

Five years of a crowded glorious life – Describe in brief how Sir Mohan had spent five years in Oxford

Five years of a crowded glorious life – Describe in brief how Sir Mohan had spent five years in Oxford Class 11 | English (Karma) 6 Marks Ans: Sir Mohan Lal cherished the memory of his five year stay in England. He studied at the Balliol College, Oxford. This stay had not only helped him acquire … Read more

He wanted everything tickety-boo and orderly – What does it mean

“He wanted everything ‘tickety-boo’ and orderly.”-What does it mean ? Class 11 | English (Karma) 6 Marks Ans: Sir Mohan Lal considered himself to be a well-bred person as he had spent five years of his life in England and acquired the manners and attitudes of the upper classes. “He wanted everything tickety-boo…” meant that he … Read more

She produced a two-anna bit – Who is referred to here as she | When did she produce a two-anna bit

“She produced a two-anna bit.”—Who is referred to here as ‘she’? When did she produce a two-anna bit? What did she do after that ? Class 11 | English (Karma) 6 Marks Ans: Lady Lal is referred to as ‘she’. When the train arrived at the platform, Lady Lal found a seat by the window in the … Read more

Lachmi chatted away merrily – Who was Lachmi | Why is the term merrily used here

“Lachmi chatted away merrily.”-Who was Lachmi ? Why is the term ‘merrily’ used here? What does it symbolise?Or,“Lachmi chatted away merrily.”—Who was Lachmi? Write in brief whý Lachmi chatted away merrily ? Class 11 | English (Karma) 6 Marks Ans: Lachmi was a simple Indian woman who never tried to imitate western manners as her husband Sir … Read more