How did Kalam’s father influence Kalam’s perception and interpretation of divine power

How did Kalam’s father influence Kalam’s perception and interpretation of divine power? How, according to Abdul Kalam, can an individual achieve freedom, happiness and peace of mind ? Class 12 | English (Strong Roots) 6 Marks Ans: In the prose piece ‘Strong Roots’ extracted from Kalam’s autobiography Wings of Fire’, we see how Kalam’s father’s innate … Read more

One must understand the difference between a fear-ridden vision – What do you mean by fear-ridden vision of destiny

“One must understand the difference between a fear-ridden vision of destiny and the vision that enables us to seek the enemy of fulfilment within ourselves.” – What do you mean by “… fear-ridden vision of destiny”? What is the other vision? Which is to be preferred and why? Class 12 | English (Strong Roots) 6 Marks … Read more

With the help of this text, how does the author prove that the minds eye is more powerful than our natural eyes

With the help of this text, how does the author prove that the ‘mind’s eye’ is more powerful than our ‘natural eyes’? Class 12 | English (The Eyes Have It) 6 Marks Ans: The short story ‘The Eyes Have It’, written by Ruskin Bond, proves that the ‘mind’s eye’ is more powerful than our ‘natural eyes’-the … Read more

Would you agree that this story is a comment on seeing? Support your point with instances from the text.

Would you agree that this story is a comment on ‘seeing’? Support your point with instances from the text. Class 12 | English (The Eyes Have It) 6 Marks Ans: The short story, ‘The Eyes Have It’ narrated from a blind person’s perspective showed the narrator’s deep desire for vision. The narrator, concealed his blindness from … Read more

Does the author help us anticipate the ironical twist in the end during the course of the narrative?

Does the author help us anticipate the ironical twist in the end during the course of the narrative? If yes, give examples from the text to support your argument. Class 12 | English (The Eyes Have It) 6 Marks Ans: In Ruskin Bond’s short story ‘The Eyes Have It’, the author drops a few subtle hints … Read more

Describe the exchanges between Ruskin Bond and his last fellow passenger in the train

Describe the exchanges between Ruskin Bond and his last fellow passenger in the train. Class 12 | English (The Eyes Have It) 6 Marks Ans: In Ruskin Bond’s short story ‘The Eyes Have It’, a man boarded the train at Saharanpur. The narrator continued his pretence of studying the landscape. The new co-passenger broke into his … Read more