How was the wounded man revived and nursed? Why did he ask forgiveness of the Tsar ? What did the Tsar do when he had gained the man for a friend? 

How was the wounded man revived and nursed? Why did he ask forgiveness of the Tsar ? What did the Tsar do when he had gained the man for a friend?  Class 12 | English (Three Questions) 6 Marks Ans: For the 1st part of the answer refer to Question Number – 17 on Page Number … Read more

Here comes someone running-Who is the speaker ? Who was coming ? Why did he come running ? What happened to him ? Describe his condition. How was he received at the hermit’s cottage?

“Here comes someone running”-Who is the speaker ? Who was coming ? Why did he come running ? What happened to him ? Describe his condition. How was he received at the hermit’s cottage? Class 12 | English (Three Questions) 6 Marks Ans: The hermit is the speaker. A bearded man who had a large wound … Read more

Now rest awhile and let me work a bit -Explain with reference to the context

“Now rest awhile-and let me work a bit.”-Explain with reference to the context. Class 12 | English (Three Questions) 6 Marks Ans: “Now rest awhile-and let me work a bit.”-Explain with reference to the context. The line mentioned above is taken from the story ‘Three Questions’ by Leo Tolstoy. Here, the hermit is the speaker and … Read more

You are tired — Who said this and to whom? Why did the speaker come to the listener? Why did the speaker offer to help? How was he benefitted by this?

“You are tired,”—Who said this and to whom? Why did the speaker come to the listener? Why did the speaker offer to help? How was he benefitted by this?  Class 12 | English (Three Questions) 6 Marks Ans: The Tsar said this to the wise hermit who was digging the ground. The speaker came to the … Read more

Why did the Tsar decide to meet the hermit? After meeting him, how did the Tsar assist him in his work?

Why did the Tsar decide to meet the hermit? After meeting him, how did the Tsar assist him in his work? Class 12 | English (Three Questions) 6 Marks Ans: The Tsar was dissatisfied with the answers of the learned men to his three questions. The answers provided by the scholars, were all different. So, with … Read more

Why did the Tsar not agree with the answers of the learned men ? Who did the Tsar decide to consult again ?

Why did the Tsar not agree with the answers of the learned men ? Who did the Tsar decide to consult again ? What was this person famous for ? How did the Tsar go to visit this person? Class 12 | English (Three Questions) 6 Marks Ans: The Tsar did not agree with the answers … Read more

What were the three questions the Tsar wanted to be answered ? Why did he need the answers ? Why was he dissatisfied with the answers given by the scholars and the learned men? 

What were the three questions the Tsar wanted to be answered ? Why did he need the answers ? Why was he dissatisfied with the answers given by the scholars and the learned men? OrWhat were the questions that had occurred to the Tsar? Why did he need correct answers to those questions? What did he … Read more