Digitalization In India – Paragraph Writing

Digitalization In India – Paragraph Writing

Points : [ What is digitalization – transformation of human-driven event into software driven event- ‘Digital India’ programme by Indian Government – effect of digitalization – digital illiteracy — threat of cyber crime – conclusion. ]


Digitalization refers to upgrading processes by making maximum use of digital technologies and digitized data. Digitalization reduces cost but increases productivity and effectiveness. It transforms an operation from a human-driven event into a software-driven event. In this 21st century digitalization is the key to success. Therefore the ‘Digital India’ programme was launched by the Government with the aim to convert the country into a digitally strengthened society and economy. Nowadays, digitalization exists in all sectors of human life like money transfer, communication, data storage, marketing etc and it has transformed human life from many aspects. Now, the whole world is in our mobile handsets. We can book train and air tickets, do shopping, gossip with our loved ones across the globe with just a single touch. Digitalization in India starts from a cashless society where people from every strata of the society will go cashless and try the digital ways for the payments.

The initiatives taken by the Government to make India digitally self-sufficient, include Aadhar Card, Digi Locker, BHIM App, e-Hospital etc. In spite of these initiatives, digitalization in India is in its nascent stage because digital illiteracy is still prevalent in most towns and villages in India. People do not know how to use credit cards, debit cards and internet banking. Therefore, it is a massive challenge to make India completely digitalized. Moreover, the threat of cyber crime looms large which can disrupt the entire digital structure. So, a powerful anti cyber crime team is also required to combat the threat.

Digitalization is the need of the hour because it will ensure transparency in Government dealings and keep corruption in check. Therefore, Government should make extra efforts to literate each and every countrymen and make them enlightened about the pros and cons of digitalization because then only India will become a developed country in true sense of the term.

Note: এই আর্টিকেলের ব্যাপারে তোমার মতামত জানাতে নীচে দেওয়া কমেন্ট বক্সে গিয়ে কমেন্ট করতে পারো। ধন্যবাদ।

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