Price Hike – Paragraph Writing
Points: [One of the greatest problems — necessary goods out of reach — cannot make both ends meet — remedy — conclusion. ]
Though price hike is a global phenomenon, it has hit a poor country like India very badly. Over the last few years, prices of essential commodities have gone up skyhigh and gone beyond the reach of common man. In a country where most of the people live below poverty line, price hike is one of the gravest concerns. For a middle class family, making both ends meet is a serious issue as there is a growing discrepancy between earning and expenses. One of the main reasons for price hike is the faulty public distribution system of Government. Because of this the commodities do not reach the target consumers. The dishonest middlemen get in the way of proper function of the system. Some unscrupulous businessmen hoard the commodities and create a situation of artificial want. The ongoing pandemic and the lockdowns imposed, have worsened the situation further. And the recent steep rise in the prices of petrol, diesel and LPG, cylinder have hit the customers real hard as this has understandably resulted in the price hike of almost all other commodities as well. Government is conscious about the magnitude of the problem. But the measures to check the inflation should be strictly followed. Population explosion needs to be controlled as well to reduce the gap between supply and demand. We can expect the situation to improve soon so that every Indian has the means to get a square meal.
Note: এই আর্টিকেলের ব্যাপারে তোমার মতামত জানাতে নীচে দেওয়া কমেন্ট বক্সে গিয়ে কমেন্ট করতে পারো। ধন্যবাদ।