Write a paragraph on how milk is processed

Write a paragraph on how milk is processed: [কীভাবে দুধ প্রক্রিয়াকরণ করা হয় তার ওপর একটি অনুচ্ছেদ লেখাে:] Flow chart: Milk received—taken to factoryweighed and tested—butter content separatedboiled at 82°C temperature-cooled-packaged sealed-delivered to shops. Ans:- MILK PROCESSING  Milk is a complete food. It is very nutritious. The processing of milk consists of a few steps. … Read more

Write a paragraph on how newspapers are published

Write a paragraph on how newspapers are published Flow Chart: Press reporters collect news-press photographers take pictures—news sorted and edited -types set in machines—paper rolls inserted—news printed—folded and cut-newspaper ready for distribution. Ans:- PUBLICATION OF NEWSPAPERS  A newspaper is a part and parcel of our everyday life. It is like fresh air and an inspiration … Read more

Write a paragraph on how a school magazine is published

Write a paragraph on how a school magazine is published Flow Chart: Manuscripts are collected from students and teachers-screened with additions, alterations and omissions-manuscripts sent to the press-proof correction-sent for final printing—bound in book form and distributed Ans:- THE PUBLICATION OF SCHOOL MAGAZINE  The school magazine is an integral part of every good school. It … Read more


A GREAT SACRIFICE Points: A son born to a king-queen dies—king engages a young nurse to look after the prince—king’s enemies plot to kill the prince-nurse comes to know of the plot-leaves her own child dressed as prince_escapes with real prince enemies kill nurse’s own child—king offers reward for saving prince’s life—nurse refuses and kills … Read more