Good morning, she said, copying her mother’s voice. – Who is ‘she’? Why did she copy her mother’s voice? Why did she stammer? What made her recover?

Good morning, she said, copying her mother’s voice. – Who is ‘she’? Why did she copy her mother’s voice? Why did she stammer? What made her recover? [1+2+2+1] Mark 6Class 11 EnglishThe Garden Party Ans. In Katherine Mansfield’s short story ‘The Garden Party’, the pronoun ‘she’ in the present context refers to Laura, the youngest … Read more

You’ll have to go, Laura; you are the artistic one. – Who says this? Where will Laura have to go? What is the context of the speech? Why will Laura have to go?

You’ll have to go, Laura; you are the artistic one. – Who says this? Where will Laura have to go? What is the context of the speech? Why will Laura have to go? [1+1+2+2] Mark 6Class 11 EnglishThe Garden Party Ans. In Katherine Mansfield’s short story ‘The Garden Party’, Mrs. Sheridan says this to Laura, … Read more

Describe the atmosphere as presented in ‘The Garden Party’.

Describe the atmosphere as presented in ‘The Garden Party’. Mark 6Class 11 EnglishThe Garden Party Ans. In Katherine Mansfield’s short story ‘The Garden Party’, the atmosphere, much like the setting, differs from one location to the other. The atmosphere surrounding the Sheridans is sharply contrasted with that of the Scotts’. The Sheridans’ world is colourful … Read more

Discuss the various themes as exhibited in ‘The Garden Party’

Discuss the various themes as exhibited in ‘The Garden Party’. Mark 6Class 11 EnglishThe Garden Party Ans: In ‘The Garden Party’, Katherine Mansfield explores multiple themes within the limitations of a short story. Only a few paragraphs are concerned with the afternoon party itself while the rest deals with various issues. The major themes are … Read more