Dear students, in this article we will provide West Bengal Board Class 10 English Lesson 2 Fable Question Answer With Bengali Translation (বঙ্গানুবাদ সহ)
মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি বইয়ের সকল অধ্যায়ের বাংলা অনুবাদের জন্য এখানে CLICK করুন
Lesson 2
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The author and the text:
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) was an American essayist, lecturer, and poet. His famous poems include ‘Concord Hymn’ and ‘Brahma’.
The poem describes a conversation between the squirrel and the mountain. The squirrel points out that in this world every being, living or non-living, big or small, have their individual reasons for existence.
Read the following poem:
The mountain and the squirrel
পর্বত ও কাঠবিড়ালীর
Had a quarrel:
ঝগড়া বেধেছিল;
And the former called the latter ‘Little Prig!
এবং প্রথম জন দ্বিতীয় জনকে বলল ‘খুদে নীতিবাগীশ’
Bun replied,
কাঠবিড়ালী উত্তর দিল,
‘You are doubtless very big;
“নিঃসন্দেহে তুমি অনেক বড়াে;
But all sorts of things and weather
কিন্তু সব ধরনের জিনিস আর আবহাওয়া
Must be taken in together,
অবশ্যই একসাথে জড়াে করতে হবে,
To make up a year
যাতে তৈরি হয় একটা বছর
And a sphere.
এবং একটা পৃথিবী।
And I think it no disgrace
আর আমি মনে করি এটা লজ্জার বিষয় নয় ,
To occupy my place.
আমার জায়গাটুকু নিয়ে থাকাটা।
If I’m not so large as you,
আমি যদি তোমার মতো বড়ো না হই,
You are not so small as I,
তুমিও আমার মতো ছোটো নও,
And not half so spry.
আর আমি যত চটপটে তার অর্ধেকও তুমি নও।
I’ll not deny you make
আমি অস্বীকার করব না তুমি বানাও
A very pretty squirrel track;
কাঠবিড়ালীর যাওয়ার জন্য সুন্দর একটা পথ ;
Talents differ; all is well and wisely put;
গুণের তফাত থাকে ; সবই ভালো আর বুদ্ধিমত্তার সাথে রাখা ;
If I cannot carry forests on my back,
আমি যদি পিঠে জঙ্গল ধরে রাখতে না পারি,
Neither can you crack a nut!
তুমিও একটা বাদাম ভাঙতে পার না । ”
Comprehension exercises
1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:
(a) The quarrel was between the mountain and the
(i) rabbit
(ii) rat
(iii) cat
(iv) squirrel
Ans: (iv) squirrel
(b) Bun has no doubt that the mountain is
(i) small
(ii) big
(iii) noble
(iv) kind
Ans: (ii) big
(c) Unlike a mountain, a squirrel can crack a
(i) nut
(ii) joke
(iii) stone
(iv) lock
Ans: (i) nut
Read Also:
2. State whether the following statements are True or False. Provide sentences/phrases/words in support of your answer:
(a) The mountain called the squirrel “Little Bun”.
Supporting statement:
Ans: False
Supporting statement: And the former called the latter ‘Little Prig!
(b) The squirrel is sprier than the mountain.
Supporting statement:
Ans: True
Supporting statement: You are not so small as I, And not half so spry.
(c) The mountain can carry forests on its back.
Supporting statement:
Ans: True
Supporting statement: If I cannot carry forests on my back, Neither can you crack a nut!
3. Answer the following questions:
(a) Who had a quarrel with the squirrel?
Ans: The Mountain had a quarrel with the squirrel.
(b) What is not a disgrace to the squirrel?
Ans: Occupying his place is not a disgrace to the squirrel.
(c) What is it that the squirrel doesn’t deny?
Ans: The squirrel doesn’t deny that the mountain makes a pretty squirrel track.
Grammar in use
4. Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal verbs from the list given below. Change the form of verbs where necessary. There is one extra phrasal verb in the list:
(a) Rabi met his friend in the park.
Ans: Rabi came across his friend in the park.
(b) Tanushree cannot tolerate cruel behaviour to animals.
Ans: Tanushree cannot put up with cruel behaviour to animals.
(c) His proposal was rejected.
Ans: His proposal was tuned down.
List: turn down, come over, put up with, come across
5. Change the voice of the following sentences:
(a) Lock the door.
Ans: Let the door be locked.
(b) Ashim knows the solution to this problem.
Ans: The solution to this problem is known to Ashim.
(c) I had written a letter.
Ans: A letter had been written by me.
Writing activities
6. Write a letter to your friend (within 100 words) advising her / him to visit the public library in her/his locality as frequently as possible.
Address …………………….
My dear Suman,
Hope you are all well with the blessings of God. We are also fine here. It has been our habit to exchange ideas on different matters. Today I want to share with you the benefits of visiting libraries. I know there is a public library in your area. It’s a storehouse of different types of books. So for any kind of reference book of your syllabus you can go there. Again, sometimes for regaining freshness reading story books is very good for us. So I suggest you visit the library whenever you can manage to get some time. A good habit will gradually build up. I hope you will consider my appeal with enough importance. Reply soon.
Your friend,
Debashish Roy
Suman Dey
Vill. + P.O.-Shalbari
Cooch Behar-736159
7. Write a paragraph (within 100 words) on the benefits of early morning exercises using the following points: good for health-fresh air- keeps one active throughout the day
Benefits Of Early Morning Exercises
To lead a healthy life, we have to follow a routine in our daily life. Getting up early in the morning is important. In the early morning the air is fresh and mostly pollution-free, light breeze blows, and the first slanting rays of the sun fall on the earth from the eastern sky. All these are beneficial to our health. In addition to that, exercises help us a lot. Some free-hand exercises keep our body fit for the day. Through exercises in the morning we can avoid different types of diseases. For students, exercises in the morning help to increase their concentration on studies. So everyone should try to follow a routine in which early morning exercise forms a vital part.
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Note: এই আর্টিকেলের ব্যাপারে তোমার মতামত জানাতে নীচে দেওয়া কমেন্ট বক্সে গিয়ে কমেন্ট করতে পারো। ধন্যবাদ।
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