Amarnath by Sister Nivedita MCQ Questions Answers | Class 11 | Semester 1 | WBCHSE

Amarnath by Sister Nivedita MCQ Questions Answers will be discussed here. Amarnath by Sister Nivedita written by Sister Nivedita is a prose from Class 11 Semester-I syllabus 2024. We will publish here all the possible Multiple Choice Questions and Answers from the text.

Amarnath by Sister Nivedita MCQ Questions Answers

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Sister Nivedita

Amarnath by Sister Nivedita MCQ (Top 50 Multiple Choice Questions)

1. Leaving Islamabad, the pilgrims camped for a night at
Ans : Pawan

2. Outside the Cave of Amarnath, there was no
Ans : Brahminic exploitation of the helpless people 

3. The pilgrimage culminates on the great day of
Ans : Raksha Bandhan

4. Within the little party of Sister Nivedita, there was too much feeling of
Ans : delighted congratulation

5. The pilgrims carried a __________ with them.
Ans : a bazaar

6. When Swami announced that he would take Sister Nivedita with him to Amarnath, she regarded herself as
Ans : a fortunate member of the party

7. The person who was in charge of the journey was
Ans : the State officer

8. The Mogul Gardens are situated at
Ans : Achhabal

9. The Cave of Amarnath was situated in a boulder-strewn __________
Ans : gorge

10. Swami Vivekananda announced his intention to go to
Ans : Amarnath

11. The person who accompanied Swami Vivekananda on the pilgrimage was
Ans : his spiritual daughter, Sister Nivedita

12. Pawan is a place famous for its
Ans : holy springs

13. Kashmir seemed, in those weeks, to be full of ___________
Ans : pilgrims 

14. Pahalgam is the village of the
Ans : shepherds 

15. The cavern had revealed itself to the Swami as the secret of
Ans : Kailas

16. At Pahalgam, the camp halted for
Ans :  a day

17. At Pahalgam, the camp halted for a day to keep
Ans : ekadashi 

18. The prose piece ‘Amarnath’ is taken from 
Ans : The Master as I Saw Him

19. The talk of the ___________ had been all of ___________
Ans :  monks, Siva

20. Kashmir seemed, in those weeks of journey, to be
Ans : full of pilgrims

21. The slopes near Pahalgam were dark with
Ans : pine trees 

22. The monks did not prefer distinctions between
Ans : Swadesh and bidesh

23. The soil of the Punjab, the monks argued, was drenched with the blood of those who had
Ans : died for the faith

24. The Tehsildar himself, and many officers and servants of the pilgrimage, had been
Ans : Mussulmans

25. Sister Nivedita and her groups saw a few saeter-huts at
Ans : Pahalgam 

26. __________ was in charge of the journey to __________
Ans : The State officer, Amarnath

27. The first day, the pilgrims camped in
Ans : a pine-wood

28. The next day, the pilgrims pitched their tents beside
Ans : a frozen river

29. Amarnath is remarkable for its
Ans : simplicity and closeness to nature 

30. On the second night, the great camp-fire was made of
Ans : juniper

31. Organisation appeared to be __________
Ans : instinctive 

32. The servants had to wander many miles, in search of 
Ans : fuel

33. The talk on their side had been all of
Ans : Siva

34. As the Swami entered the Cave, it seemed to him, as if he saw
Ans : Siva made visible before him

35. The more learned of the monks swarmed about the Swami at
Ans : every halting place

36. The pilgrims with Sister Nivedita left Achhabal, and returned to their boats at
Ans : Islamabad

37. The Cave of Amarnath was situated in
Ans : a boulder-strewn gorge 

38. Everywhere the pilgrims saw the march of
Ans : gathering hosts

39. At Pahalgam, the camp halted for __________
Ans : a day

40. The number of people who would encamp in a field was
Ans : two or three thousand

41. The pilgrims would leave the field before
Ans : dawn

42. The tent of the Tehsildar was set on one side of
Ans : Swami Vivekananda

43. During the journey, the pilgrims carried with them
Ans : bazaar

44. The tent of the Tehsildar was placed near some advantageous spot for
Ans : the lighting of the evening fire

45. The colour of the tents of the monks was
Ans : Gerua

46. The more learned of the monks swarmed about
Ans :  Swami Vivekananda

47. Throughout the hours of the daylight, the monks would remain absorbed in
Ans : conversation

48. The monks, of all the orders, were numbered in
Ans : hundreds

49. Even foreigners, the monks urged, were
Ans : men

50. Some of the tents used by the monks were no larger than
Ans : a good-sized umbrella 

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Note: এই আর্টিকেলের ব্যাপারে তোমার মতামত জানাতে নীচে দেওয়া কমেন্ট বক্সে গিয়ে কমেন্ট করতে পারো। ধন্যবাদ।

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