Then I made a mistake – What mistake did the speaker make ? Why was it a mistake?

“Then I made a mistake.”- What ‘mistake’ did the speaker make ? Why was it a ‘mistake’? What removed the speaker’s doubts ? What did the speaker do then? Class 12 | English (The Eyes Have It) 6 Marks Ans: The speaker made the ‘mistake’ of asking the girl, his first co-passenger, what it was like … Read more

she thought me a romantic fool — Who might be thought a romantic fool? When and why did the speaker doubt so?

“… she thought me a romantic fool.”— Who might be thought a ‘romantic fool’? When and why did the speaker doubt so? Class 12 | English (The Eyes Have It) 6 Marks Ans: The blind narrator of the short story ‘The Eyes Have It felt that he might be thought a ‘romantic fool’. When the speaker … Read more

Yes October is the best time | Who is the speaker? On what occasion is the remark made and to whom? Why is October the best time?

“Yes, October is the best time.”- Who is the speaker? On what occasion is the remark made and to whom? Why is October the best time? Class 12 | English (The Eyes Have It) 6 Marks Ans: The speaker of the line mentioned above is the narrator. When the girl who was travelling with the narrator … Read more

Oh, how lucky you are | Who is the speaker here? Who is you referred to? Why is the person spoken to being called lucky?

“Oh, how lucky you are.” –Who is the speaker here? Who is “you” referred to? Why is the person spoken to being called “lucky”? Class 12 | English (The Eyes Have It) 6 Marks Ans: The girl is the speaker of the line mentioned above. Here “you” refers to the blind narrator. The girl who was … Read more

What was the destination of the narrator in the story The Eyes Have It | What description of his destination is given by the narrator

What was the destination of the narrator in the story ‘The Eyes Have It’? What description of his destination is given by the narrator? How could he give such a description in spite of being blind? Class 12 | English (The Eyes Have It) 6 Marks Ans: In the story ‘The Eyes Have It’ the destination … Read more

I didn’t see you either I said | But I heard you come in | Was it not a hint for the girl to understand that the narrator was blind?

“I didn’t see you either,” I said. “But I heard you come in.” – Was it not a hint for the girl to understand that the narrator was blind? What did the narrator think before stating this? Class 12 | English (The Eyes Have It) 6 Marks Ans: The line mentioned above is extracted from the … Read more

Are you going all the way to Dehra | Who is the speaker? Who is the person spoken to? When did the speaker ask this? How did the person spoken to reply?

“Are you going all the way to Dehra?”-Who is the speaker? Who is the person spoken to? When did the speaker ask this? How did the person spoken to reply? Class 12 | English (The Eyes Have It) 6 Marks Ans: The speaker of the line mentioned above line is the blind young man. The blind … Read more

It would take me sometime to discover something about her looks – Who is the speaker? Who is ‘her’? How did the quoted line end? Why?

“It would take me sometime to discover something about her looks…”-Who is the speaker? Who is ‘her’? How did the quoted line end? Why? What did the speaker like about ‘her’? Class 12 | English (The Eyes Have It) 6 Marks Ans: The speaker of the line mentioned above is the blind narrator of Ruskin Bond’s … Read more

The Proposal Anton Chekhov Bengali Translation Class 12 West Bengal Board | বাংলায় অনুবাদ

In this article, we will discuss The Proposal Anton Chekhov Bengali Translation Class 12 West Bengal Board. এই আর্টিকেলে আমরা Class 12 English Textbook থেকে The Proposal Anton Chekhov এর বাংলায় অনুবাদ নিয়ে এসেছি। Class XII English Textbook এর অন্যান্য সমস্ত Prose এবং Poetry -এর Bengali Translation (বাংলায় অনুবাদ) পেতে এই লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করো। উচ্চমাধ্যমিক … Read more

নারীশিক্ষার বিকাশের ক্ষেত্রে NCEW-1959-এর সুপারিশগুলি উল্লেখ করাে।

নারীশিক্ষার বিকাশের ক্ষেত্রে NCEW-1959-এর সুপারিশগুলি উল্লেখ করাে।    Class 12 | Education (শিক্ষাবিজ্ঞান) | 8 Marks উত্তর:- নারীশিক্ষার বিকাশে NCEW-1959-এর সুপারিশসমূহ : NCEW-এর পুরাে কথাটি হল National Committee for Women Education | স্বাধীন ভারতে নারীশিক্ষার ক্ষেত্রে বিভিন্ন সমস্যাসমাধানের জন্য ভারত সরকারের উদ্যোগে 1959 খ্রিস্টাব্দে NCEW তথা নারীশিক্ষার জাতীয় পর্ষদ গঠন করা হয়। ওই পর্ষদের সভানেত্রী ছিলেন শ্রীমতী দুর্গাবাঈ … Read more