HS English Suggestion 2023 PDF Download WBCHSE | Higher Secondary English Suggestion 2023

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HS English Suggestion 2023 PDF Download for Higher Secondary Final Exam 2023. In this article, we will provide the 2023 HS English Suggestion with 90% common. Also, we will show the question pattern for Higher Secondary History Exam.

HS English Suggestion 2023 PDF

Higher Secondary English Suggestion 2023

Prose Chapter 1-4


1.What features of the character of Mrs Luella Bates are exposed in the short story “Thank the math Thank you Ma’am?
Or, Analyse the motherly feelings of Mrs. Jones. 
Or, What kind of a lady is Mrs Luella Bates Washington Jones? 

2. Why did the boy in “Thank You Ma’am’ not run away though he found the door open? 
Or, “And he did not want to be mistrusted now.” -Why did not Roger want to be mistrusted, though he could have easily escaped from the house of Mrs Jones? 
Or, Give a pen-picture of the character of Roger.

3. Justify the title of the short story “Thank You Ma’am.

4. “I wanted a pair of blue suede shoes. -Who is the speaker here? To whom did he say this? What reply did the speaker get and how did he react?

5.“I am sorry, lady, I’m sorry.” – Who said this? Was he really sorry? When was the speaker a changed person?

6. “Eat some more, son”-Who is the speaker? What is offered by the speaker to the listener? What picture of the speaker’s character is revealed in this line?

7. How did Mrs Jones behave with Roger when they arrived home? What impact did it have on the boy?
Or, What are the ways by which Mrs Jones reformed Roger? 
Or, “I wish you would behave yourself son, from here on in.”-Who is referred to as ‘son’? How was he taught to behave properly? What was he offered along with these words?

8.“you gonna take me to jail?” -who asked this question and to whom? when did the speaker ask this question? What reply did the speaker get?


1. “In fact, I would say mine was a very secure childhood..” – Whose childhood is referred to here? Where was his childhood spent? How was his childhood secured?

2. “Our locality was predominantly Muslim” Who is the speaker? How does the speaker describe the locality? What picture of communal harmony do you find in this description?

3. What was Kalam’s father’s response to his son’s query about prayer?
Or, What did Kalam’s father tell him about the relevance of prayer?

4. My father could convey complex spiritual concepts in very simple down-to-earth Tamil.”Sum up the spiritual principles of Dr. Kalam’s father. How did Kalam’s father convey ‘spiritual concepts?
Or, “I have endeavoured to understand the fundamental truths revealed to me by my father.” -Who was the son? Who was father? What were the fundamental truths’ revealed to the son?

5. “When troubles come, try to understand the relevance of your sufferings. Adversity always presents opportunities for introspection.” Who said this and to whom? Elucidate the statement.
Or, “Why don’t you say this to the people who come to you?” – Who says this and to whom? What is referred to by the word ‘this? Why do people come to the person spoken to?

6. What is APJ Abdul Kalam’s perception about divine power? How, according to him, can a person achieve freedom, happiness and peace of mind? 
Or, How did Abdul Kalam try to emulate his father? 
Or, How did Kalam’s father influence Kalam’s perception and interpretation of divine power?

7. “This is not a correct approach at all” -Who said this? What is the approach referred to here? Why is the approach not correct?

8. What had remained the routine for Abdul Kalam’s father even when he was in his late sixties? What does Abdul Kalam say about his emulation of his father?


1. “Yes, this is the best time,” I said, calling on my memories.-Who is the speaker? What is the best time according to him? What is the occasion of this remark? Describe the scenic beauty of the time of the place, / What does the speaker say after calling on his memories? / Why does the narrator think so? 
Or, Give a brief encounter of how the narrator and the girl exchanged their views their visit to the hills.

2. “Then I made a mistake”. What ‘mistake did the speaker make? Why was it a mistake? What removed the speaker’s mistake? What did the speaker do then? 

3. “You have an interesting face”. -Who said this and to whom? When did the speaker make the remark? How did the person spoken to react? How did the speaker mend his comment? 
Or,”Few girls can resist flattery.” -Who made the remark? What was the flattery? Why did the speaker say so? How did the person spoken to accept the flattery?
Or, “Well, an interesting face can also be pretty.” -Who made this observation? Whose ‘face is referred to here? When / why does the speaker make such a remark? How did the person accept the speaker’s remark? 

4. “But her next question removed my doubts.’ -Who made this remark and about whom? What were the doubts of the speaker? What was the next question? How did it remove the doubts?

5. “The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie .–Whose reverie is referred to here? What was the reverie about? How was the reverie broken?

6. “It could be a fascinating game, guessing what went on out there.” -Who is the speaker? What was the ‘fascinating game’? How could the guessing game help him to keep himself away from ‘hard reality’? How did it come to an end?

7. “Oh, how lucky you are” -Who is the speaker here? Who is referred to by the word ‘you’? Why is the person spoken to be called lucky?

8. “She had beautiful eyes, but they were of no use to her.” -Whose eyes are referred to here? Why were they useless to her? Bring out the irony in the given line.

Three Questions :

1. “Forgive me!” said the bearded man in a weak voice.- Why did the bearded man become an enemy of the Tsar? What did the man swear and resolve to do? Why did he ask forgiveness of the Tsar and what did he promise him?

2. What were the three questions that had occurred to the Tsar? Why did he need correct answers or to those questions? How did the learned men answer to the Tsar’s questions?

3. ‘You have already been answered” -Who said this and to whom? How has the person referred to been answered?
Or, How did the hermit answer all the three questions of the Tsar and make him wise?

4. How did the enemy of the king become friend with the king in Leo Tolstoy’s “Three Questions?
Or, Why didn’t the Tsar’s enemy attack him while he was sleeping?
Or, How did the Tsar make peace with his enemy?

5. “Here comes someone running” -Who is the ih speaker? Who was coming? Why did he come running? What happened to him?

6. Was the Tsar satisfied with the answers of the learned men? Who did the Tsar decide to consult again? What was this person famous for? How do did the Tsar go to visit this person? What did he see him doing when he met him?

7.“You do not know me, but I know you.” – Who is the speaker and who is referred to as you’? How did the speaker meet with the person spoken to? What did the speaker promise to the person?

8. Who was the bearded man? Why had he come to the wood? How did he get wounded? Why did he let off his enimity towards the Tsar?

Poetry Chapter 1-4 

On Killing A Tree :

1. Justify the title of the poem ‘On Killing a Tree?

2. Give the substance of the poem, ‘On Killing a Tree?
Or, Describe the growth, struggle and ultimate death of a tree as depicted in the poem, ‘On Killing a Tree.
Or, Describe, in brief the power and strength of

3. How is the life force of the tree described in the poem, ‘On Killing a Tree?
Or, Describe, in brief the power and strength of a tree to withstand man’s cruelty.

4. The poem, ‘On Killing a Tree’ describes man’s cruelty and violence to nature, Discuss.
Or, What message does Gieve Patel convey through the poem, ‘On Killing a Tree?

5. The poem ‘On Killing a Tree’ is scathing commentary on one of the major environmental issues of the day.
Or, What is central idea or underlying tone of the poem, ‘On Killing a Tree? 

6. How does Gieve Patel describe the killing of a tree in the poem, ‘On Killing a Tree? Or, “And then it is done” What does ‘iť refer to? When is it done? How is it done?
Or, “It takes much time to kill a tree.”-Why does it take much time to kill a tree? According to the poet, how is the tree finally killed?

Asleep in the Valley :

1.Justify the title of the poem, “Asleep In The Valley? 

2. How does the poet Arthur Rimbaud look upon war? 
Or, Justify Asleep In The Valley’ as an anti-war poem. 
Or, Discuss the central idea of the poem, ‘Asleep In The Valley? 
Or, How does the poet express the futility of war? What message does he want to convey?

3. “They fill the hollow full of light”: -What is the ‘hollow’ referred to here? How does the hollow look? Who is lying in the hollow? How is he lying there?
Or, Give a brief description of the surrounding where the soldier lay in the poem “Asleep In The Valley?

4. “Ah, Nature, keep him warm; he may catch cold.”-Who is he? Why may he catch cold? Why does the poet ask Nature to keep him warm ?

5. “A soldier very young, lies open mouthed” Who is the ‘soldier’ referred to here? Narrate in your own words how the soldier lies in the valley? 

6. “”In his side there are two red holes. “- Who is the person referred to here? What do the ‘two red holes’ signify? What attitude of the poet to war is reflected here? 

Sonnet No. 18: Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day :

1. Discuss why Shakespeare has called his frie more temperate than the summer season.
Or, How does Shakespeare compare the beauty of his friend to that of a summer’s day in Sonnet No. 18′?
Or, Write a substance of the sonnet ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day’ by Shakespeare.

2.“… and this gives life to thee.” -What does ‘this’ refer to? Who is referred to by thee? How does this’ give life?/What does the poet want to convey here?

3. “How does Shakespeare immortalize his friend’s beauty in the Sonnet No. 18′?
Or, Discuss the central idea of the poem, ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day!

4. Discuss the time versus love conflict as presented by Shakespeare in his poem, ‘Shall IT I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Or, “When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st “What are ‘eternal lines’? Who is referred to by ‘thou’? How will ‘thou grow’st in eternal lines?

5. What type of poem is ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Who is the poet? Whom does the poet speak of? What does the poet say about the person spoken OT?


1. What does Keats mean by ‘The Poetry of Earth? Why does he say that this poetry The Poetry of Earth never ceases?
Or, Show, after Keats, that the poetry of earth never comes to an end.
Or, Name the poet who composed ‘The Poetry of Earth? What is meant by “The Poetry of Earth’? How does the poet read “The Poetry of Earth?
Or, Write in brief the substance/theme/central idea/message of the poem “The Poetry of Earth.

2. What pictures of the two seasons does Keats draw in ‘The Poetry of Earth? How are the two pictures related?
Or, What picture of summer is presented in “The Poetry of Earth’? How has it been carried on to the picture of winter ?
Or, Bring out the contrasting pictures used in the poem “The Poetry of Earth:

3.“…. he has never done/With his delights.”-Who is referred to as ‘he? What does he perform? What does the poet mean to say here?

4. “… he takes the lead.”-Who takes the lead? Be When does he take the lead? How does he take the lead?

5.”…a voice will run.”-Where does the line occur? What is the ‘voice referred to here? When/How will the voice run?

6. Justify the title of Keats’s Sonnet ‘The Poetry of Earth’.

Writing Skill

1. Write a paragraph on :

(i) safe drive save life
(ii) value of having regular physical and health education
(iii) visit to a place of historical interest
(iv) global warming
(v) forests & its importance in human life
(vi) benefit of reading books
(vii) immature girl child marriage
(viii) festival of Bengal
(ix) The 2022 Commonwealth Games
(x) Student & social media

2. Report Writing

(i) your school held at Tree plantation program
(ii) accidental report
(iii) An art and model exhibition held in your
(iv) the outbreak of fire in your local market
(v) A clean Drive program taken up by your school or cleanness week celebration
(vi) The 2022 Commonwealth Games,
(vii) Celebration independence day in your school.

3. Process Writing

(i) how a building is built
(ii) how school magazine is published
(iii) formation of rain organising
(iv) a blood donation camp
(v) Formation of rain
(vi) How mustard oil is prepared
(vii) Make phenyl/hand sanitizer/how make a mask

4. Biography Writing

(i) Manhasset Devi
(iii) Rabindranath Tagore
(iv) Soumitra chatterjee
(v) Chuni Goswami
(vi) Rishi Kapoor

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Note: এই আর্টিকেলের ব্যাপারে তোমার মতামত জানাতে নীচে দেওয়া কমেন্ট বক্সে গিয়ে কমেন্ট করতে পারো। ধন্যবাদ।

2 thoughts on “HS English Suggestion 2023 PDF Download WBCHSE | Higher Secondary English Suggestion 2023”

  1. Strong Roots (Prose) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam – দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি সাজেশন | HS Class 12 English Suggestion PDF


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